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How to stay healthy during the COVID-19 season

Written by: Neha Gondra, President and Founder of FMHO

Tips and tricks to keeping yourself happy and healthy!

Having done all your work and being productive for hours straight, are you bored and finding yourself with nothing to do? Or have you been stressed out about the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, you are not the only one feeling that way.

It is important to stay healthy, both mentally and physically, especially if you are in a state where you are currently in a lockdown. It is important to get exercise because while you exercise, your body releases endorphins which are the feel good chemicals that give the "runner's high". Try something new that you have never done before such as baking a cake or creating a mini indoor garden. Explore your creativity and draw or write stories. And if you are really bored, try playing a board game with your family or friends, but try not to leave the house.

It is also important to de-stress and let yourself be calm during these troubling times. If you need some support, talk to a friend or family. Watch some Netflix and spend some time caring for yourself, whether it be through yoga and tai chi or through a soothing and relaxing spa bath. Dance and sing to your favorite songs or listen to some stand-up comedy. Eat some of you favorite foods. When feeling stresses, take time to sit down and eat a meal you enjoy! Eat your meal somewhere away from your computer or the TV screen. Don't be afraid to eat your favorite meal, but keep in mind a balanced meal is your best bet for feeling healthy and relaxed. If possible, go outside and take a quick walk. Feel the breeze! Research suggests that going for a walk and getting 150 minutes of light aerobic activity a week is a great way ti release stress.

Remember, keep you and your loved ones healthy during this time. Stay safe keep on a lookout for our care-packaging event later this year!

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