Written by: Neha Gondra, President
Have you ever felt stressed out by school and balancing your life? If so, you're not the only one.
High School.....
When your teacher gives you too much work but there is just not enough time to do it.... who agrees with me? Pretty sure a lot of you feel the same. High school is hard and stressful but there are ways to keep the stress from building gradually.
First thing to do is to choose classes that fit your needs.
Peer Examples
Have you ever or plan on taking a class just because all your friends are taking it? If so, that class may not be the right fit for you. Students feel pressured to take the same class as their friends, especially if it is an AP or honors course because they feel like their peers will judge them according to the classes they take. Don't believe this!! Believe it or not, even if you don't take honors or AP YOU WILL STILL GET INTO COLLEGE!!!! There is this common misconception that a student will get into college based on the number of honors or APs they take. This is not true. What matters most is to take the classes that fit your maximum difficulty level to avoid a life filled with stress about grades and tests.
Second, make time in your life for yourself
Personal Life
After school, you should have a time of the day where you just relax and enjoy life. Take time to do things you care about. Find a hobby or interest and pursuit it. Go bowling with your friends, Play your favorite sport. Play video games, Doing things other than academics will decrease your stress levels and will boost your morale and happiness. It is important to make time for yourself so that your brain also takes a break from a day's work.
Talking to people is important. Don't seclude yourself from others. It is important to have friends and acquaintances to talk to and have fun with. This is because you should have a person to depend on or share your feelings with when you are feeling down or upset. Friendships also keep your brain healthy. They prepare you for life's challenges, live longer, stay fit, and relax. Yes, I did mention living longer.
So by now you must have understood that stress is common in high school but there are ways to deal with it such as taking courses that best suit you, having hobbies and pursuits outside of school, and forming friendship. I hope this post helped you understand how to deal with stress and stay tuned for upcoming posts!